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We're Hopeful That Arvinas (NASDAQ:ARVN) Will Use Its Cash Wisely [Yahoo! Finance]

Arvinas, Inc. (ARVN) 
Last arvinas, inc. earnings: 11/4 05:00 pm Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
For example, biotech and mining exploration companies often lose money for years before finding success with a new treatment or mineral discovery. Having said that, unprofitable companies are risky because they could potentially burn through all their cash and become distressed. So should Arvinas NASDAQ:ARVN ) shareholders be worried about its cash burn? In this report, we will consider the company's annual negative free cash flow, henceforth referring to it as the 'cash burn'. First, we'll determine its cash runway by comparing its cash burn with its cash reserves. Check out our latest analysis for Arvinas A cash runway is defined as the length of time it would take a company to run out of money if it kept spending at its current rate of cash burn. Arvinas has such a small amount of debt that we'll set it aside, and focus on the US$1.2b in cash it held at June 2024. Looking at the last year, the company burnt through US$217m. That means it had a cash runway of about 5.7 years a Show less Read more
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