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Shell Confirms Gas Discovery in the Southern North Sea Selene Well [Yahoo! Finance]

Archrock, Inc. (AROC) 
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US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
Southern North Sea. The gas discovery, which is in its initial stages, hints at promising dry gas reserves that will contribute to the regional energy supply. Recently, the SHEL operated 48/8b-3Z discovery well, which is part of the P2437 license area, reached a total depth of 3,540 meters and discovered a 160-meter-thick section of Leman Sandstone, confirming the presence of gas within the sandstone. Subsequent wireline logging and fluid sampling verified the presence of a live gas column above the gas-water contact in the key B-Sand section. The updated post-discovery map indicates a gas column height of about 100 meters with high-quality dry gas, comparable to the quality of the nearby gas fields. The well readings verified that the gas reserves in the B-Sand section were at higher levels than the pre-drill predictions. The B-Sand section discovered in the well also had a higher-than-predicted thickness and porosity level. SHEL, the operator of the Selene prospect holding a 5 Show less Read more
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