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Stock impact report

NARI Stock Likely to Gain Following Reimbursement Approval in Japan [Yahoo! Finance]

AngioDynamics, Inc. (ANGO) 
Last angiodynamics, inc. earnings: 4/7 07:00 am Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
NARI also entered into a distribution deal with Medikit Co. Ltd, a global medical device company, to facilitate the commercialization of the Clotriever system in Japan. Following the announcement, shares of the company closed flat at $52.12 on Monday. However, in the year-to-date period, NARI's shares have lost 19.7% against the industry's 6.4% growth. The S&P 500 increased 27.1% in the same time frame. The reimbursement approval and the new distribution deal with Medikit are likely to help NARI boost its ClotTriever sales in Japan and its overall revenues, which will likely increase the stock's price. Meanwhile, the company currently has a market capitalization of $3.04 billion. NARI delivered an average earnings surprise of 24.8% in the last four quarters. Image Source: Zacks Investment Research NARI's ClotTriever system is anFDA 510(k)-cleared and CE-Marked mechanical thrombectomy device specifically designed for the treatment of DVT. The 500-patient ClotTriever CLOUT Regi Show less Read more
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