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Stock impact report

Angi (NASDAQ:ANGI) shareholders are up 6.8% this past week, but still in the red over the last three years [Yahoo! Finance]

Angi Inc. - Class A (ANGI) 
Last angi inc. - class a earnings: 2/5 04:10 pm Check Earnings Report
US:NASDAQ Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
So spare a thought for the long term shareholders of Angi Inc. NASDAQ:ANGI ); the share price is down a whopping 77% in the last three years. That might cause some serious doubts about the merits of the initial decision to buy the stock, to put it mildly. Although the past week has been more reassuring for shareholders, they're still in the red over the last three years, so let's see if the underlying business has been responsible for the decline. See our latest analysis for Angi We don't think that Angi's modest trailing twelve month profit has the market's full attention at the moment. We think revenue is probably a better guide. As a general rule, we think this kind of company is more comparable to loss-making stocks, since the actual profit is so low. I Read more
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