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Amalgamated Financial And Two Other Undiscovered Gems To Consider In The United States [Yahoo! Finance]

Amalgamated Financial Corp. (AMAL) 
Last amalgamated financial corp. earnings: 4/30 06:25 am Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
In this thriving environment, identifying stocks like Amalgamated Financial that offer strong fundamentals and potential for growth can be key to uncovering undiscovered gems. Name Debt To Equity Revenue Growth Earnings Growth Health Rating Eagle Financial Services ?????? Morris State Bancshares ?????? Franklin Financial Services ?????? First Northern Community Bancorp NA ?????? Teekay NA ?????? Omega Flex NA ?????? ASA Gold and Precious Metals NA ?????? Valhi ?????? Nanophase Technologies ?????? FRMO ?????? Click here to see the full list of 225 stocks from our US Undiscovered Gems With Strong Fundamentals screener. Let's explore several standout options from the results in the screener. Simply Wall St Value Rating: ?????? Overview: Amalgamated Financial Corp. is a bank holding company for Amalgamated Bank, offering commercial and retail banking, investment management, and trust and custody services in the United State Show less Read more
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