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Stock impact report

TruePKU Initiative Provides Global PKU Community an Opportunity to Share What It's Like to Live with PKU [Yahoo! Finance]

Agios Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (AGIO) 
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Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
WASHINGTON Dec. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The National PKU Alliance (NPKUA), in collaboration with a coalition of PKU-related patient advocacy organizations, announces the TruePKU initiative, a groundbreaking effort to highlight the lived experience of phenylketonuria (PKU). This initiative aims to fully describe the impact of PKU on the lives of those affected, their current management strategies, unmet medical needs, and treatment benefits that matter most to them to inform development of new therapies. On May 8, 2025 , the TruePKU initiative will culminate with a virtual, externally-led patient-focused drug development (EL-PFDD) meeting, conducted as a parallel effort to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) PFDD initiative. The meeting will be streamed live, bringing members of the global PKU community together to share their experiences and perspectives. A "Voice of the Patient" report will summarize insights gathered during the TruePKU meeting and throughout the plann Show less Read more
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