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Agios Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:AGIO) Is Posting Healthy Earnings, But It Is Not All Good News [Yahoo! Finance]

Agios Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (AGIO) 
Last agios pharmaceuticals, inc. earnings: 4/30 07:00 am Check Earnings Report
US:NASDAQ Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
We decided to have a deeper look, and we believe that investors might be worried about several concerning factors that we found. View our latest analysis for Agios Pharmaceuticals One key financial ratio used to measure how well a company converts its profit to free cash flow (FCF) is the accrual ratio . To get the accrual ratio we first subtract FCF from profit for a period, and then divide that number by the average operating assets for the period. The ratio shows us how much a company's profit exceeds its FCF. Therefore, it's actually considered a good thing when a company has a negative accrual ratio, but a bad thing if its accrual ratio is positive. While having an accrual ratio above zero is of little concern, we do think it's worth noting when a company has a relatively high accrual ratio. That's because some academic studies have suggested that high accruals ratios tend to lead to lower profit or less profit growth. For the year to September 2024, Agios Pharmaceuticals Show less Read more
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