WaFd, Inc (NASDAQ: WAFD) was upgraded by analysts at StockNews.com from a "sell" rating to a "hold" rating.
WaFd, Inc. Announces Cash Dividend of 26 Cents Per Share
WaFd, Inc (NASDAQ: WAFD) had its price target lowered by analysts at Piper Sandler from $36.00 to $35.00. They now have a "neutral" rating on the stock.
WaFd, Inc (NASDAQ: WAFD) had its price target raised by analysts at DA Davidson from $39.00 to $41.00. They now have a "buy" rating on the stock.
WaFd, Inc (NASDAQ: WAFD) had its "market perform" rating re-affirmed by analysts at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods. They now have a $40.00 price target on the stock.